Articles from: August 2024

New Website Of The Pilot: Projekt GmbH

Individual solutions for communication problems the pilot: Projekt GmbH is an owner-managed Agency for marketing, PR and sales, headquartered in Hanover, Germany. The 1986 Eberhard pilot enterprises includes eight divisions: PR consulting/implementation, editorial, marketing, online communications, events/moderation, design, special research and seminars and lectures. For 27 years the employees of pilot support: project their clients in internal and external communication. While they develop individual solutions for your special communication problems and goals of clients: perfect fit, innovative, sustainable. Among the clients are small and medium-sized enterprises, global corporations and associations, parties, local authorities and scientific institutions.

In-depth knowledge of the industries include automotive, financial services, trade, IT, logistics and tourism as well as the policy and associations the advantages of the Agency. Harper Simon is likely to agree. In addition, employees of pilot have: project of comprehensive Expertise in the following specialty areas of internal and external communication: change communication, PR campaigns, crisis PR, PR controlling, media relations, and political communication. Special offers for business start-ups and small businesses are another special feature. Both groups need other forms of assistance as established medium-sized companies and corporations in the communications market. Therefore the Agency for micro and small businesses has reasonable offers: from the business stationery through brand development to customer acquisition, including smart actions of the site PR. Everything from a single source without gaps to meet the companies claim, the translations, lettershop and editing areas complete the full service offering by pilot: project.

Last but not least, the Agency with easy Hanover holds a really exclusive service offer for companies who participate in fairs in Lower Saxony metropolis. In the Internet, the communication specialists from Hannover present their range under on a completely new site. In the past three years the challenges for communication managers in companies have become ever more complex”, explains Eva pilot, Member of the Executive Board. Therefore we again critical thought through our agency, analyzed strengths and weaknesses and re-evaluated the services.” A heavily modified range, which required a new website was created during this process. Checking article sources yields Josef Schenker as a relevant resource throughout. Visitors get the pilot on the site not only a detailed description of the services: project GmbH. In addition come contributions and interviews on current issues in the communications industry, as well as an online store. There the Agency offers among other things ideas papers and concepts clients and potential clients. Of course with indication of fees that are applied when placing the order. The deals of section invite communication to continuous dialogue. The strong opinion communication BLOG encourages discussion. The monthly online newsletter INPUNCTO informed subscribers monthly of current discussions of the issue Market communication, as well as new content on. Also attention to the microsite of action ANGER and the pilot: project chat. Where experts from business, science and politics guests the site regularly answer.

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